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Exercise: Creating Azure Cloud Storage Accounts

These exercises are for the Cloud Computing Fellowship session on cloud storage. They focus on creating the account(s) necessary to use storage.


  1. Download the Storage Explorer
  2. Review Storage documentation for basic concepts.
    Please review materials for this session to understand cloud storage and the different types that Azure offers
  3. A valid subscription.
  4. A storage account is not always required for some tutorials, but if so, create a storage account with the first item.

Azure Quickstart Tutorials

Storage Account

We created a storage account in one of the first activities using the portal, and you may use that storage account for many of the other activities below. However here is the Azure documentation for doing so if you want to review or practice creating a new one:

Create a storage account

*Note in the above there are options for "Portal", "PowerShell", "Azure CLI" and "Template" but the Portal version is what we covered so far.

Blob Storage

Azure Quickstart: Upload, download, and list blobs with the Azure portal

The Azure Storage explorer is a desktop application for Mac and Windows, useful for occasional checking and working with cloud storage:

Azure Quickstart: Use Azure Storage Explorer to create a blob

File Storage

In the following exercise, you can use your existing storage account, and skip to the section "create-an-azure-file-share" but feel free to create an additional storage account if you want to experiment (the storage account itself does not )

Quickstart: Create and manage Azure file shares